Stories About Our Work
Gallatin County Regional Park Gets a Little More Bushy
On Friday, July 7th 2023, over 30 community volunteers assisted the Gallatin Watershed Council, Sacajawea Audubon Society, and Craighead Institute in enhancing habitat at the Gallatin County Regional Park.

Riparian Vegetation: What We’ve Been Planting
Learn about riparian vegetation and species that we have been planting across Bozeman!

Watershed Wednesday: Wetlands
Happy Watershed Wednesday! Tomorrow is World Wetlands Day, so we wanted to highlight one of our own, local wetlands and provide useful tips on how you can help protect wetlands.

Watershed Wednesday: Septic Systems in Gallatin Valley
Happy #WatershedWednesday! Learn more about septic systems in Gallatin County and the negative effects lack of maintenance has on our groundwater.

Watershed Wednesday: Rain Gardens & Non-Point Source Pollution
Happy #WatershedWednesday! Learn more about the rain garden that was installed with Highline Adventures and their benefits to the watershed!

Watershed Wednesday: Monitoring on the Upper East Gallatin
Happy #WatershedWednesday! Learn more about groundwater monitoring wells and how data will be used from the Upper East Gallatin River!

Branch Out Bozeman: Urban Forest Network
Learn about GWC’s new program: Branch Out Bozeman!

Watershed Wednesday: Arbor Day!
Arbor Day is this Friday! Plant trees on Arbor Day with GWC, the City of Bozeman Forestry Division, and Oboz Footwear!

Watershed Wednesday: Celebrate Earth Day!
Earth Day is this Friday! Learn how to celebrate Earth Day in Gallatin Valley this week.
Busy Beavers Recap: March and April
The IAWP Busy Beaver Volunteer Season is Here! Learn what the Busy Beavers have been up to during March and the beginning of April.

Watershed Wednesday: Happy 406 Day!
Happy 406 Day! Learn why the Lower Gallatin Watershed is such a special place.

Watershed Wednesday: Goodbye Snow and Hello Stormwater!
Snow is on it’s way out, and stormwater is rushing in! Learn about how stormwater impacts our watershed and what you can do on an individual basis to help.

National Groundwater Awareness Week
Groundwater Awareness Week is March 6-12. This week serves as an annual reminder for water well owners to test, tend, and treat their private water systems.

Watershed Wednesday: IAWP Busy Beavers
This week’s focus is on our local volunteer team in partnership with the Sacajawea Audubon Society, the IAWP Busy Beavers! Volunteers learn skills in a classroom setting and then apply them in the field. Sign-up today!

Watershed Wednesday: Gallatin Stream Teams
This week’s focus is on our local water monitoring program, the Gallatin Stream Teams. Volunteers spend their time in the field doing hands-on sampling in creeks and streams to collect data. Sign-up today!

Watershed Wednesday: Times are a-Changin’
Times are a-changin’ in the Lower Gallatin Watershed! Water usage has shifted from a focus on agricultural use to residential and commercial.

Watershed Wednesday: Winter Recreation and Leave No Trace
There are so many winter recreation opportunities in our watershed! In order to recreate responsibly, follow the 7 “Leave No Trace” principles to minimize impact.

World Wetlands Day: Here and Abroad!
Celebrate World Wetlands Day here and abroad! Wetlands are important ecosystems and Bozeman has a designated wetland right off of downtown.
Watershed Wednesday: Snowpack and our Watershed
Snowpack is important for more than skiers! Read about how the snowpack in the Bridger, Gallatin and Madison Ranges contribute to Bozeman’s water supply.

Watershed Wednesday: Water Quality with Snow and Salt
Winter is in full swing and the snow keeps coming! Here are some best practices for snow removal for water quality.