Watershed Wednesday: Arbor Day!
Arbor Day Tree Planting 2021
Happy #WatershedWednesday and (almost) Arbor Day! This upcoming Friday is Arbor Day. Arbor Day’s roots stem back to when pioneers started moving into the Nebraska Territory. The lack of trees was felt by the new residents– they missed their presence! There were many practical reasons such as being used as windbreaks, fuel and building materials, or shade that made trees very useful as well. These were the pioneers, after all!
According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the first Arbor Day celebration date was set for April 10, 1872. Prizes were offered to counties and individuals for the largest number of properly planted trees on that day. It was estimated that more than 1 million trees were planted in Nebraska on the first Arbor Day. Wow!
Today Arbor Day is celebrated in all states, where many organizations, towns or individuals come together to plant trees! This year in the Lower Gallatin Watershed, many trees will be planted! Within Bozeman, the Gallatin Watershed Council (GWC) and the City of Bozeman Forestry Division have partnered to develop Branch Out Bozeman: Urban Forest Network (BOB). The mission of BOB is to engage the greater Bozeman community in the stewardship of an urban forest that enriches the health of people and nature throughout its lifecycle. BOB’s vision is an urban forest that promotes a healthy, resilient and equitable future for the watershed, wildlife, and people of the greater Bozeman area.
On Arbor Day 2021, GWC and the Forestry Division planted 10 trees in the boulevard of a low-income neighborhood that consists mainly of renters. This project was a result of the unique partnership between GWC and the City: GWC conducted resident surveys and coordinated volunteers for both the planting and watering of the new trees and the City provided the trees and is responsible for long-term maintenance. In June 2021, GWC, the Forestry Division, and other community partners planted trees along a critically exposed section of Mathew Bird Creek in McLeod Park. The trees will directly help restore the water quality of Mathew Bird Creek. In late summer 2021, GWC received a technical grant from the National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance Program to help harness the momentum from these two successful planting projects into a formal city wide initiative.
This year, BOB and Oboz Footwear are partnering up to plant trees in Bronken Park. The selected area in Bronken Park is lacking vegetation and will provide future shade to a waterway and additional bank stabilization. Looking to join? Email outreach@gallatinwatershedcouncil.org for more details! The planting will take place from 12pm-4pm this Friday at Bronken Park.