August 26th: Boo to Dog Poo!

A sign designed by GVLT and the City of Bozeman in 2016.

A sign designed by GVLT and the City of Bozeman in 2016.


One of the best things you can do for the watershed is pick up after your dog! Picking up dog waste keeps it from washing into Bozeman’s storm drains, creeks, and ponds— the waterways where people and pets play, and where fish and other water-bound organisms thrive.

There are waste disposal areas on trails and in parks that make it super easy to grab a sanitary sack and pop the poop in the can. Our waterways have unhealthy E. coli levels partially due to uncollected dog waste— but we can fix this! Picking up even one poop saves 23 million fecal coliforms from contaminating our water.

Go on a walk and scoop up any dog poop you may come across! Not only are you being a good watershed steward, but you can add to your collection of stamps in your Steward Passsport!


Gallatin River Cleanup a Success!


Board Member Spotlight & GWC Knit Hats!