August 5th: Touring the Story Mill Wetlands!


Wow!!! How is it already August? If you too can’t believe how fast the summer is going by, I highly recommend going on a self guided tour of the Story Mill Community Wetlands. The park is beautiful and will help you hold on to the long days of summer.

The Story Mill Park consists of restored floodplains, which are areas of land where rivers are able to meander across open land and overflow their banks. Restoring the floodplain and wetlands throughout the park involved removing dirt and weeds, reshaping the landscape, and planting native vegetation. When Bozeman Creek overflows into the floodplain, water is absorbed by spongy wetland, soils and vegetation. This cleans water of pollutants and sediments, and reduces erosion and downstream flooding. These dynamic wetlands also provide unique habitats for wildlife!


Help Keep the Gallatin Clean & Clear


July 29th: Lawn Care Techniques for Watershed Stewardship