City of Bozeman Unified Development Code
The City of Bozeman is updating its Unified Development Code (UDC) and is asking for public input on project scope: which topics should they address in this update? The UDC guides a huge number of decisions related to development and land use, such as zoning, subdivision and site development, parking and transportation, affordable housing, and environmental protection. If you think the City should focus on WATER, they need to hear from YOU.
The impacts of development on water resources, such as wetlands, streams, riparian areas, and irrigation ditches, are primarily governed by the UDC under Article 6: Natural Resource Protection. These water resources provide essential ecosystem services, including flood control, water storage, and pollution removal, that safeguard infrastructure and public safety. Protecting and maintaining them is the cornerstone of sustainable growth.
What is the issue? The current draft UDC does not address Article 6. We think it should. The main challenge is not necessarily with the codes themselves, but with their usability and enforcement. Time and again, we have experienced and heard from others that:
The process of documenting existing site conditions and proposed impacts is confusing and at times, contradictory;
Water resources are often one of the last things considered in the design process;
Regulatory language designed to protect water resources is confusing despite the best intentions;
There is a lack of technical capacity to provide adequate development review.
Project Updates
Complete the UDC Areas of Interest Survey by January 8th!
Get tips from GWC on how to make water a priority in your survey responses.
What can we do? Use your voice and give water a seat at the table. Encourage our City to take a good look at Article 6, Natural Resource Protection, of the Unified Development Code so that we grow sustainably. This will allow us to address more specific code recommendations in the next steps of the update process.
How can I influence where the City directs its resources in this update?
Attend an open house hosted by the City in several locations throughout early December.
Email comments to those listed under “who’s listening”,, a City’s Community Development Department representative, or a Commissioner.
General Tips for Public Comment:
Share your experience. What do you see on the ground? How is growth impacting water?
Support your comments with scientific background, statistics, or other credentials.