City of Bozeman

Unified Development Code Update

The City of Bozeman is updating its Unified Development Code (UDC) and is asking for public input. The UDC sets forth regulations around what kinds of development can occur in which areas through development standards and zoning districts. The goal for this engagement effort is to consult the community on how to improve usability of the UDC and how the regulations in the UDC can help us accommodate growth while meeting community goals in our Community Plan, Climate Plan and others. If you think the City should focus on WATER, they need to hear from YOU.  

The impacts of development on water resources, such as wetlands, streams, riparian areas, and irrigation ditches, are governed throughout the UDC. These water resources provide essential ecosystem services, including flood control, water storage, and pollution removal, that safeguard infrastructure and public safety. Protecting and maintaining them is the cornerstone of sustainable growth.

What is the issue? The main challenge is not necessarily with the codes themselves, but with their usability and enforcement. Time and again, we have experienced and heard from others that:

  1. The process of documenting existing site conditions and proposed impacts is confusing and at times, contradictory;

  2. Water resources are often one of the last things considered in the design process;

  3. Regulatory language designed to protect water resources is confusing despite the best intentions; 

  4. There is a lack of technical capacity to provide adequate development review.

If we look at the code as a whole, there is an opportunity to find alignment with community plans while streamlining the protection of water resources. Check out our policy memos and public comments below to learn more about the feedback we’re providing to the City as it updates the UDC.

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities

  • UDC Workshops: All topics (Transportation, Environment, Growth, Housing, Neighborhoods): March 12: 6 to 8 p.m. at Willson School, 404 W Main St.

You can always…

  • Email comments to those listed under “who’s listening”,,  a City’s Community Development Department representative, or a Commissioner. 

  • Make a public comment on a non-agenda item at a city-hosted meeting.

General Tips for Public Comment

  • Share your experience. What do you see on the ground? How is growth impacting water?

  • Support your comments with scientific background, statistics, or other credentials.