Watershed Business Profile: Bozeman Brewing Company
Bozeman Brewing Company is a local brewery here in the Lower Gallatin Watershed who puts their soul into sustainable, responsible practices. Passionate about spending time outside and good beer, Bozone’s practices support a healthy watershed and environment. Bozone fulfills their commitment to their eco-conscious philosophy by doing the following:
Donates a portion of proceeds from Gallatin Pale Ale to Gallatin Watershed Council every year
Bozeman Brewing was recognized in 2019 & 2020 for sustainability efforts in their everyday brewing practices through an EcoStar Award from MSU Extension Services.
Bozone brewery averages 4bbls. of water to produce 1 bbl. (31 gallons) of beer, much less than the industry average of 7 to 1.
They recycle their cardboard, aluminum, and plastic.
To divert compostable trash from the landfill waste stream, they utilize a local composter, reducing waste in their tasting room by up to 95%.
182 solar panels offset approximately 30% of their annual electrical usage
Spent grain is donated to Camp Creek Land & Cattle Company in Manhattan, MT
Sponsoring a Watershed-wide cleanup in May 2022
This year, Bozeman Brewing Company is supporting the Gallatin Watershed Council (GWC) for a watershed cleanup in partnership with Voormi in May 2022! Signups will open soon.
Bozeman Brewing Company is a GWC Business Steward. The goal of the Business Steward program is to mobilize businesses and their customer to participate in watershed stewardship and to elevate water awareness in our community. Learn more about the program and how to join here!
Thank you for working for clean water through your partnerships and practices. There’s no better combination than helping protect and care for our local brewing and recreating waters.
Gallatin Watershed Council staff enjoying Gallatin Pale Ale on a xc ski day.