March Steward of the Month: Emily Stoick
Say hi to Emily Stoick, our March Steward of the Month!
Emily is a Civil and Environmental Engineer for Woodard & Curran, and a long time friend and ally of GWC. From hosting river clean ups, to serving on the Watershed Restoration Committee, to her overall passion and dedication to protecting our watershed - we appreciate everything you do Emily!
A little Q&A with our March Steward:
1) What is your favorite thing to do within the Watershed?
“That’s a tough call, and I know I should say skiing (which I do love!), but there’s something special about morel hunting on the lower Gallatin.”
2) What excites you most about GWC’s mission?
“I’ve always enjoyed being involved with GWC because it’s mission is so inclusive. It looks at everything from future planning, to erosion problem area response, to river access site cleanups, to community engagement and education. I love getting my company involved with river cleanup days, they are honestly so fun!”
3) Where is your favorite spot to spend time with friends and family in Gallatin Valley?
“Bozeman Creek runs right next to my house - find me there most evenings in the summer with my camp chair, my dog, some white wine, and good friends”
4) What’s your favorite book?
“The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russel. Such a good read if you’re into anthropological and cultural perspective on aliens”
5) What do you want the Lower Gallatin Watershed to look like within 5 years?
“I’d love to see more small-scale installation of constructed wetlands and surface water runoff detention ponds in areas impacted by agriculture and urban contamination! They help with water quality, flood control, and sedimentation - all issues that are contributing to an impaired Gallatin River”
The picture featured here shows Emily and her sweet girl Eddy (named after a river eddy) atop Sacajawea Peak 😊