2020 in Review

Dear Watershed Stewards,

As the year begins to come to a close, we're reflecting on the resilience we've witnessed throughout our community. The last eight months have allowed us the time and space to consider what is truly important. Here at GWC, cold, clean, abundant water continues to rise to the top of the "truly important" list. Whether for drinking, for irrigating local food, for recreating, or simply for providing solace from a crazy world, our rivers and streams continue to provide for us.

Our stream restoration and education programs might have looked a little different this year, but with help from our community partners and Watershed Stewards across the Gallatin Valley, GWC was safely able to accomplish the following:

Organizational & Financial Sustainability


GWC entered a new phase of organizational growth and opportunity in 2020. These moves indicate GWC’s commitment to long-term sustainability and effectiveness in achieving our mission. GWC was also able to move into a larger office space in 2020 thanks to generous support from the Four Corners Foundation.

  • 1 Executive Director 

  • 1 Director of Restoration

  • 1 Program Coordinator

  • 1 New Office Space!

Community Outreach and Engagement: Gallatin Watershed Stewards

GWC’s Gallatin Watershed Stewards (GWS) program incentivizes, challenges and inspires community members to make changes in their daily behaviors. In 2020, we expanded GWS to include our Steward Passports and Business program.

  • 2 New Outreach Programs Created

  • 1 Communications & Outreach Manual Created 

  • 18 Project Partnerships Developed 

  • 3 Steward Passport Stamping Stations Established

  • 684 Steward Passports Distributed 

  • 486 Community Members Participated in GWC Programming

Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring: Gallatin Stream Teams:

Gallatin Stream Teams is our volunteer stream monitoring program operated in partnership with the Gallatin Local Water Quality District.

  • 20 Stream Teams Volunteers in 2020

  • 16 Monitoring Locations

  • 1,100 Data Points 

  • 14 Macroinvertebrate Samples Collected

Watershed Restoration Planning and Implementation

In 2020, GWC partnered with Antler & Fin Restoration, the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana, and a small acreage landowner to restore streambank along the East Gallatin River and enhance floodplain resilience. GWC also organized our annual cleanup for the Lower Gallatin Watershed in 2020.

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  • 160 Volunteers engaged in river cleanups and riparian plantings 

  • 30.5 Miles of River Cleaned or Restored 

  • 405 Native plants Planted in the Lower Gallatin Watershed 

  • 900 Pounds of Trash Removed from the Watershed

Your donations directly support GWC’s ability to do this work. Together, we can ensure that the Lower Gallatin Watershed continues to support rich ecosystems, bountiful fields and our vibrant, resilient community. 

If you find yourself in a position to give back, please consider a year-end donation to GWC. Thanks to the generosity of the Four Corners Foundation and the GWC Board of Directors, donations received by the end of December will be matched up to $4,500.

On behalf of all of us at GWC, thank you for being a part of our watershed community. Stay safe this holiday season and don’t forget to get out and enjoy our waterways.

With gratitude,

GWC Staff and Board


Watershed Impacts from the Bridger Foothills Fire


Watershed Wednesday Activity: Let Water Go for a Walk!